Moscow Circus

The Circus Is In Town

While driving back from the store, I noticed that the circus was in town! I quickly got the family together and we got front row tickets for the show. We had a great time and I was able to take lots of pictures during the preformance.

The circus was setup in a field off of the main road to the Coventry Town Center from our house in Balsall Common.  There was a large circle of trucks all painted the same way.  In the center was the box office and tent. Here is the band,  they are setup over the stage entrace for the circus. The acrobats/clowns.  These guys were great, they did lots of 1,2,3, and 4 man stacks.  Lots of flips and trampoline action.  Send in the clowns. . . Natalia Egorova - "Nataly" - performs an original aerial acrobatic act on leather-straps, combinations of movements of great difficulty, presented with precision, easiness and professional expression.

She is descended from a family of artistes, and already in her childhood she started to acquire the basics of floor-acrobatics, equilibristic, aerial acrobatics on the trapeze and on the vertical rope. The actual act was conceived and taught by the mother of Nataly, who is assisting her in her engagements. The learning of the act took approximately 2 years and was performed for the first time for an audience in January 1999 at the Bolshoi Circus in Moscow. Nataly participated with success at the International Circus Festival for Female Artists She had her very first engagement in June-November 1999, touring with the famous Swedish Circus Scott. In December 2002-January 2003 she performed at CIRCUS CONELLI in Zurich, Switzerland. Natalia Egorova (Nataly) More clowns walking the tightrope while climibing up up and up  The strong man was great.  He was even run over with a truck as a grand finale.   Well, I thought my job was bad.  How would you like to be run over by a truck during every show? Ouch!

The circus happened to be a touring company of the Moscow State Circus.  I found out the following facts about the troupe:

  • It takes about 70 vehicles to move Moscow State Circus around.
  • Although all the acts are trained in Russian circus school, the company is actually managed in Britain.
  • Moscow state circus help to promote circus schools in Russia, which no longer receive the amount of funding they did under the communist regime.
  • They tour for three years, doing two shows a day for six days a week.
  • The youngest member of the cast is 15, the oldest is currently 49.
  • Despite the fact that there's a perfectly good hotel down the road they still choose to sleep in their trailers

For More Information:

  • The Moscow State Ciruces (official website)
  • Moscow State Circus hits Stevenage (Online Review)
  • The Incline Wire walkers practice in saftey. Link
  • Bolshoi Circus - Also known as the Moscow State Circus. Site includes, history, acts and program information.  This is the permament home in Moscow.


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