
We were in Prague in 2002, just before the floods.


Welcome to Prague

Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, is a treasure trove of history and culture, renowned for its picturesque beauty and architectural marvels. Known as the 'city of a hundred spires', Prague's skyline is dotted with historic church spires, which stand tall above the city's cobblestoned streets and beautiful bridges like the iconic Charles Bridge. This bridge is a must-see, featuring stunning views of the Vltava River and adorned with an array of statues that add to its historic ambiance.

The city thrives with a vibrant arts scene, showcasing a range of performances from classical concerts in grand palaces to modern shows at the State Opera or National Theatre. Visitors are encouraged to experience the richness of Prague's cultural offerings which reflect the city's historical journey through the centuries.

Walking through Prague is like stepping back in time, with its well-preserved castles, Baroque and Gothic cathedrals, and medieval squares that tell stories of its past. Yet, the city is not caught in time; it is dynamic, with transformed run-down areas now hosting fine restaurants, stylish hotels, and lively bars and clubs, ensuring that visitors can enjoy both the historical and contemporary sides of Prague.

When exploring, it’s recommended to wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking on cobblestones and to dress in layers to navigate the city's mid-continental climate, which can range from warm summers to chilly winters.

Overall, the essence of Prague lies in its ability to merge its illustrious past with the vibrant pulse of a modern European city. Whether it's the architectural wonders, the rich history, or the buzzing nightlife, Prague offers an experience that is both deeply rooted in tradition and excitingly contemporary.

Czech Republic
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			<p><a href="">Zéphyrios</a> posted a photo:</p>
<p><a href="" title="Cap au Sud-Est depuis la tour d&#039;astronomie du Clementinum / Pohled na jihovýchod z astronomické věže Klementinum"><img src="" width="240" height="93" alt="Cap au Sud-Est depuis la tour d&#039;astronomie du Clementinum / Pohled na jihovýchod z astronomické věže Klementinum" /></a></p>

<p>Nombre de monument composent les vues qu'on peut obtenir du haut de cette tour d'astronomie du Clementinum. Sur celle-ci on regarde en direction Sud-Est pour tombé notamment au centre l'église Saint-Gilles et sa tour non reconstruite puis il y a l'église Notre-Dame des Neiges et ses hautes voutes (sur la gauche). Elle est d'ailleurs accompagnée du Musée national et de la Basilique Saints Pierre et Paul presque sur le même axe. Ensuite, il y a la tour gothique de l'hôtel de ville de la nouvelle ville (sur la droite depuis Saint-Gilles). A l'extrémité droite, on découvre l'église Saint-Barthélemy et sa fine tour, elle semble être un petit joyaux baroque de quartier, à découvrir si l'occasion de se présente. Et à l'extrême gauche, un duo de tours à bulbe appartient à l'église Saint-Havel avec au loin du moderne, l'emblématique tour de transmission de Žižkov à l'allure bien singulière. <br />
Il y a bien sur bien d'autres petits sommets de bâtiments, à vous de les découvrir !<br />
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Infos : <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia église Saint-Gilles (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia église Notre-Dame des Neiges (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia basilique (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia sur le musée (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia sur l'hôtel de ville du quartier de la ville nouvelle de Prague (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia église Saint-Barthélémy (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia église Saint-Havel (Multi)</a> &amp;&amp; <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Wikipédia tour de transmission (Multi)/a&gt;</a></p>
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			<p><a href="">Amselchen</a> posted a photo:</p>
<p><a href="" title="summer 2018 @ Prague, CZ 10"><img src="" width="160" height="240" alt="summer 2018 @ Prague, CZ 10" /></a></p>

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			<p><a href="">docjfw</a> posted a photo:</p>
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			<p><a href="">docjfw</a> posted a photo:</p>
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			<p><a href="">docjfw</a> posted a photo:</p>
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